The 2015 Global Women Entrepreneur Leaders (GWEL) Scorecard is a data-driven diagnostic tool that measures, ranks and rates opportunities and challenges faced by female entrepreneurs. The survey measures 31 countries across the globe, accounting for 70% of the world's female population.

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United States
United Kingdom
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Factor Rankings
1 United States 2 Canada 2 Australia 4 Sweden 5 United Kingdom 6 France 7 Germany 8 Poland 9 Chile 10 Japan 10 Spain 10 Jamaica 13 Mexico 14 Peru 15 Panama 15 China 17 South Korea 18 Brazil 18 Russia 20 South Africa 21 Malaysia 22 Thailand 23 Nigeria 24 Turkey 24 Ghana 26 Tunisia 27 Uganda 28 Egypt 29 India 30 Pakistan 31 Bangladesh 1 United States 2 Canada 2 Australia 4 Sweden 5 United Kingdom 6 France 7 Germany 8 Poland 9 Chile 10 Japan 10 Spain 10 Jamaica 13 Mexico 14 Peru 15 Panama 15 China 17 South Korea 18 Brazil 18 Russia 20 South Africa 21 Malaysia 22 Thailand 23 Nigeria 24 Turkey 24 Ghana 26 Tunisia 27 Uganda 28 Egypt 29 India 30 Pakistan 31 Bangladesh

Even in countries where women enjoy equal rights, they are significantly less likely to feel that they have the skills to start a business than their male counterparts. If women had the same access to resources and networks as men, and were starting businesses at the same rate, the growth-oriented startups and jobs created would provide a significant positive economic impact for local and global economies.

By identifying key areas where progress is needed, and by leveraging favorable conditions that already exist, we can help create an environment that promotes and supports high-impact female entrepreneurship across the globe.